Monday, February 24, 2014

DIY Pore Strips

so i'm not much for coming up with my own recipes or posting about really cool recipes but i will share the ones that i have tired BUT, i forwarn, will not be creating my own, until further notice. (why? because why would i waste time remaking something that somebody has taken the time to do. so i will give them credit and write my opinion and then move on.)

but getting back to the point....

homemade pore strips WORKS!

copied from:$f/


This week I tested out a pin from my beauty board. The pin came from a blog calledPetit Elefant and it was a tutorial on how to make your own pore strips. To be honest, I had no idea if this would turn out and I was a little skeptical...not gonna lie. I actually HATE the store bought ones and would never ever recommend them to anyone, but this seemed to be a little more gentle so I wanted to give it a whirl.

What you will need:
  • 1 packet of unflavored gelatine
  • 2 tbs of milk
Mix the gelatin and milk together in a microwave safe dish. Microwave the mixture for 10 seconds and apply to face (you can use a facial brush or popsicle stick). Leave on for 15 minutes. Slowly peel off the pore strips and walla!

A little forewarning....this next picture might gross you out a little...

Here is the pore strip that came from my nose. I LOVED this! This is seriously the coolest thing ever. I worked like magic and actually peeled off like a regular pore strip, but without ripping off actual skin.

My skin was so soft after and I even think it removed a little peach fuzz from my face ha! The only weird/negative thing I have to say is it smelled like dog food was on my face...yep very stinky! Other than that this was pretty awesome. Thank you Petit Elefantfor this great (inexpensive) beauty idea!

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